Won the airship battle last night! Ye-haw. Yet one more step closer to Limbus. We beat Omega and Ultima first go, which was pretty impressive considering two of us had never done the battle before. Amusingly we wiped on the Mammets four times before finally settling on a decent strategy to reduce their –ga dmg.
So, that was good. Fair few cutscenes to do now and those 3 NM fights, though they shouldn’t be any problem. Then the final Tenzen tonk and I know about 5 SAMs itching to get in and own him so that shouldn’t be much of a challenge at all.
If I can get the help I plan to keep going straight on past Sea access, want to get my ring and Sky warp ASAP, and generally finish that story line. I’m also considering forgoing DM for now and just getting help on Ark Angels so I can get to the end of RotZ.
Finally getting into Limbus will be weird. Because I don’t have any jobs that can wear Homam and Nash is not great for BLM I’ll only really be there for AF+1 mats. I mean, that’s ok, I really want to get some +1 action going. Prolly go straight for my Brutal Earring too over Boxer’s.
Still, I really want to get some story bashed out.
Shantotto, the Love Doctor
11 years ago
Grats on 6-4 -- that one's a pain! From then out it's smooth sailing to get sea access, though a few of the 8-* fights are a pain. And depending on your current gear, Nash gear is actually relatively nice for BLM -- pants are 3 less enfeebling than Igqira but not 300k, body and hat are both great for dark magic, etc... Either way though, enjoy limbus!