I finally had a "proper" party on NIN on Wednesday. It was on Colibri at 54. It went quite badly. Due to my Level Sync action my skill was grossly under-levelled. I didn't realise how grossly until I was only landing 1/20, that's with like +25 Acc gear. So, I couldn't keep hate for shit. What with the bird's abilities they are hard enough for a NIN to tank anyway. It was very depressing. A Tarutaru NIN seemed like a very bad idea. I left the party so they could get a better tank.
So, last night, Europa had a bit of a party going and I'd rather suck amongst friends so I went along. I'd spent a bit of time in Crawler's Nest working on my skill so when I got to the birds it wasn't quite as bad as before. It was still bad though.
One big prob I was having, which was nothing to do with my Katana skill, was the delay of the birds attack; they're just too fast to get an Ichi recast in between attacks. So we needed some sort of slow and the BLU and WHM did their best. That was better but I still felt like levelling NIN was a mistake. I was doing no dmg and my throwing was way too low to get any spike hate aside from provoke.
And then a BRD joined the party and my world was rosey again.
In the same way I wrote about DNC making all the difference to NIN pre-37, BRD makes things all better on birds.
Shantotto, the Love Doctor
11 years ago