Wooooo, so, I have Sea access :)
We high manned the last few NMs before Tenzen (those 3 tonberries never knew what hit them) and Tenzen himself was dispatched in similarly short fashion.
My first trip to Sea was excellent. I was escorted by some LS buddies and I was able to get my outside map immediately, which has already proved useful. Looking forward to farming some organs already.
Last night was my first run in Limbus, I think we did SE Apoloyon, which is an easy one. I was in the noob team, while 2 other teams hit other areas, and it went very well. Sadly I died twice: one-shotted by an AoE from miles away (damn that Taru HP) and the second time we got an add and it went after me for some reason we weren't able to fathom. Still, plenty of time for R3s so no harm done. Unfortunately I lost a lot on my very first piece of +1 on BLM. Boo.
Back to missions I had some help with Purple, the New Black, so WotG still ticking along. Looking forward to getting on with Chapter 8 of CoP too. So, close to the end!
Dynamis last night was a bit of mixed bag. We're farming Xarc for the forseeable as we have destroyed the queues in other zones. We desperately need some RDM, PLD and at least one THF, purely so those people can start spending on other items. So much going FFA outside Xarc atm. Last week in Beaucedine we had a RDM coat go free because everyone saving points for Xarc drops. That's awesome, isn't it? Talk about spread the love! Anyway, last night, we got some good drops, people spent some points and came away with gear they wanted. So that was good. We also had 3x WAR. That was pretty meh. However, we did have some strat problems with the BLMs misfiring a bit which was embarrassing as we've never had any problems before. We did manage to refine our farming strat quite nicely though. We identified a few areas that are good to farm and some to be avoided like the plague, so next week should be even better.
On a side note can I just thank the adventurer that DIDN'T buy the CCB Polymer pump from my bazaar for 1 gil while I was stuck in a cutscene following my exit from the Airship battle. Goes to show that not everyone in Vanadi'el is cut-throat, mercenary bastard.
Shantotto, the Love Doctor
11 years ago
Me and an LS buddy just got Sea access last night as well!
ReplyDeleteFor the airship battle, we did an initial practice run...which turned into a win haha. Based on what I saw on our chat log, we didn't use any CCB pumps.
The 3 NMs were easy with a group of 6. And Tenzen is a total pushover according to those that finished it before the CoP nerf.
After getting Sea, our LS immediately wanted to do NE Apollyon haha. Smooth and quick run.
Congratulations on sea access! And good luck with your Limbus runs, I hope you have fun~