Friday, 20 February 2009

Marble farming

Not so much to report atm. In a bit of an FF trough - so much to do, so little time.

Anyway, been doing some MMM marble farming. It really is a doddle with a lvl 1 char. Takes about 3-4 mins to clear the maze and you should get about 15+ marbles.

I just need to work out whether it is more efficient to save up for the 500 marble rune I want or spend on runes that increase the marbles per run then save's like playing the stock market.


So, quick bit of research. The "Trail by" runes give the best bonuses. Trial by Numbers gives another set of mobs to kill and a flat bonus of 3. However, Trail by Velocity gives a bonus of up to 3 per set of mobs; so with Trail by Numbers that's a max bonus of 9, for a total of 12.

Assuming I get the full bonus every run I should get the 500 rune one run earlier than if I don't get the bonus runes first.

So, speculate to accumulate is the key ;)

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