Tuesday 16 August 2011

Automaton AI

I had an epiphany the other day; the reason why SE can't fix automaton AI: it's the same AI as mobs use.

It's so obvious I don't know why it hasn't occurred to me before.  Also, I don't know why I haven't read it any more.

However!  Since attachments can modify that AI, surely the AI could be patched using a "hidden attachment"?

Would fixing the AI at source really break mob behavior, though?

1) A mob is casting a nuke on a player but the player dies before the mob casts.

Current: mob has to wait for a generic recast timer.
Fix: mob can cast again immediately
Rationale: PCs took no dmg from mob action - why can't mob act again?
Problems: Stun or other spell interruptions?  How would it be affected?

It seems spell interruption of any type is currently treated the same by the AI.  Surely the death of the target should be an exception?

2) Curing

Current: mobs wait until they have lost too much health before they start curing themselves
Fix: lower the threshold for casting Cure
Rationale: why not? They can cure themselves, why can't they be allowed to do it properly?
Problems: mobs that cure themselves are smarter about it and more annoying to fight.

Hardly game breaking?  Some mobs might chainspell cure themselves in certain situations - surely that's just common sense on the mobs part?

3) Cast Blindna instead of Cure

Current: prioritizes removing debuffs over cures
Fix: prioritize cures
Rationale: better to be alive and blind than dead and sighted
Problems: basically the same as mobs curing themselves better.

Anyway... just some thoughts.

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