Monday, 9 March 2009

More BLM Merits

I got a few more merits on BLM this week. Finished off my 4th tier of elemental skill and got my 1st tier on Lightning Potency. I had noticed that my DMG was capping when we farm in Sky so I figured it was time to start introducing the MAB.

Having said that I was nuking the pants off Byakko last night and I managed to do get off about 5 T4 nukes, all of which did less than 100 dmg. So, I'll still be prioritising Elemental Skill ;)

However, I have been thinking more about MAB gear; the two stand-out pieces being the hideously expensive sorcerer’s ring and the ugg pendant. We were also discussing the relative merits of Yigit and Goliard feet. I feel that the increased accuracy and INT provided by the Goliard probably outweighs the Yigit MAB bonus in many cases. However, considering that I am a) poor and b) not doing any Nyzul or Assault, this is not a pressing concern!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, very good post (cause I have a lot of knowledge to share ^^; )

    The funny thing about Sky are the NMs up there. They're not your typical HNM/NMs they are very in tuned to their Elemental Properties. You mentioned how your weak Thunders were a result from your skill. It's actually cause Byakko is Light based and takes heavily resisted damage from anything but Dark.

    When my LS fights Byakko I spam that crap out of Bio II till my stun order is up or when Drain and Aspir is up. Spaming those three spells (Bio II, Drain, Aspir) will net you higher damage than the other BLMs using only nukes. You can also use your Elemental Seal to get off one unresisted nuke (still small numbers compared to the other Gods but that's b/c the Gods up there are weird).

    Incase you didn't know:

    Suzaku (bird) is Fire based and it's only weakness is Water PERIOD That's Poison/II, Drown, Water I-IV and ga I-III. You can use other spells but they'll be heavily resisted. Your best spell would be Elemental Sealed Flood II or Waterga III while wearing your max damage gear.

    Genbu (Turtle) is Water based and it's only weakness is Thunder

    Seiryu (Wyvern) is Wind based and it's only weakness is Ice

    Byakko (Tiger) is Light based and it's only weakness is Dark

    Kirin (Manticore) is Earth based and it's only weakness is Wind.

    If you're considering Sorcerer's Ring or Uggalepih Pendant, I suggest getting the pendant first. It's definitely cheaper and nicer on the inventory. All you need are the materials synthesized by a friendly crafter and some friends to help you out or a team of BLMs who also need it.

    Sorcerer's Ring is expensive or could potentially cost you lots of Beastmen Seals, and not only that it's also inventory minus 4~7 slots depending on the conserve mp gear.

    As for Goliard vs Yigit. Yigit overall and Goliard for resists.
