Monday, 16 March 2009

Choo, choo, choo, a train across the floor

Had a fun weekend! Did loads of stuff.

Started Friday night with some MMM with Kanbe. I’m really pleased he’s taken an interest in this because it is good fun and can be a bit of a challenge if you set it up right. Our first run was me NIN60/DNC and him NIN75/DNC. We did his maze first, which was very basic as it was his first ever and it was pretty easy. He got a nice Dragon Rune out of it. Then we did my maze and, clearly, I wasn’t very cautious about setting it up because we ended up with 3 floors of IT (to me mobs), DC to Kanbe. Needless to say we didn’t manage to clear the maze so we missed my marbles. Just too many mobs for our dmg but the first floor being Tauri and the last floor being Morbols didn’t help!

Saturday morning Kanbe and I finished our ToAU missions up to the Black Coffin, so we’re all set to get Salvage access when we can get the peeps together. After that Kanbe made an exp party and we headed to East Ronfaure [S] to fight birds and ladybirds. Sadly the camps were taken and we had to make do but shortly before I left one of the camps became free and the goodness rolled in and I managed to ding NIN61, which was great.

Went a bit down hill from there. Later that evening I got an unflagged invite to a bird party in the Thickets again. Now, even though I am 61, I have only ever been to camps there 3 times. Long story short, I sucked. My Katana was slightly uncapped, my evasion is well under cap (it’s capped for BLM75 but I’ve not exped on NIN outside level sync since I exceeded that cap) and my ninjitsu was under cap. So, I couldn’t hit, I was getting hammered whenever my shadows went down and I couldn’t get them up cos I was getting interrupted. I bowed out to let them get a PLD. Unsurprisingly I have now sworn off NIN exp until I can get my evasion capped.

Of all the NIN skills I never thought keeping evasion up would be a problem but Level Sync has really screwed me. It’s not the easiest thing to skill up outside a party as it really requires you to get hit a bit. I guess I need to solo some EM on NIN/DNC but it’s a not a prospect I relish.

Sunday AM I joined some LS mates in a skill-up party in the tree. Didn’t help with my evasion because the Elvaan DRK75 was trying to break her Nyzul latent (which she did, grats again) and I never got any hate. However, I capped Katana and made more progress on ninjitsu, so that was all good.

Then, later in the PM I got a party on THF in Qufim Island and managed to get just shy of 25. Would have made it had it not been for a frustratingly unnecessary death followed by an idiotic raise into aggro on my part. Noob.

After that Kanbe and me went and did some more MMM. We took a 3rd on my maze this time and we cleared it no problems. I got a new demon rune and have enough marbles to buy “Trial by Velocity”. MMM is really nice for skillups because the most basic Voucher means all the mobs are EM or higher to the lowest member (i.e. me). So, I got a bit more ninjitsu and throwing. Both still way under cap though. Boo.

I took another break while everyone went to Limbus then we headed to Sky for Kirin. We were attempting a zerg rather than the usual kite so as a BLM I had very little to do. It also meant we had 2 hours between pops, and that was pretty sucky. Wasn’t the most fun I have had in Sky but you have to do your part don’t you?

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