Tuesday, 4 January 2011

The Creep


I'm getting the FFXI creep.

I got loads of stuff to do, all of it should be nice and simple and quite easily achievable but I'm not having much luck getting it done. My seals aren't dropping, can't get wind weather for love or money, everyone doing Shinryu, etc etc.

As a result I'm now considering doing a whole different bunch of new things. That includes starting of on a whole new job.

This is very very bad.

If you stagnate if FFXI you must keep working towards your main goals in ANY way you can. You must not set new goals if you ever want to achieve what is most important to you.

As a side note: what the hell is going on with the price of Wind Crystals? I don't understand.


  1. Colibri parties died along with old world parties in general, so no more cheapo crystals on the AH.

  2. Tu'lia farming clusters is (probably) good money again. (As Black Mage I could murder the s#@& out of DC Wind Elementals with Fire V and Bliz V. :-D) Last time it was worth doing was during the hyperinflation (Fire Clusters were 15k/each).

    Anyway, I feel the frustration with trying to actually get seals/kills. I stand around Port Jeuno all day and there's nada. I log for an hour and come back and everyone I know is off killing something to get an Atma I'd love to have or duoing/trioing NMs that drop seals that aren't reasonable to obtain otherwise.
